Home PS games New PS Plus Free Monthly Game Sees Massive Increase in Player Count

New PS Plus Free Monthly Game Sees Massive Increase in Player Count

by Eugene Jenkins
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The PlayStation Plus subscription service has always been a popular choice for avid gamers who want to stay on top of the latest releases while also gaining access to some of the best online multiplayer experiences available. Each month, subscribers receive a selection of free games as part of the service, which can range from indie gems to blockbuster hits. However, the recent addition of a new free game to the PS Plus lineup has caused a huge increase in player count and has been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from the gaming community.

The game in question is a multiplayer shooter called “Outriders”, which was released on April 1, 2021. Developed by People Can Fly and published by Square Enix, the game features fast-paced combat, deep customization options, and a gripping story that takes place on a mysterious alien planet. While the game was met with a mixed reception at launch due to server issues and other technical problems, the recent addition of Outriders to the PS Plus lineup has brought a new wave of players to the game and has breathed new life into the community.

One of the biggest factors contributing to the success of Outriders on PS Plus is the sheer number of players who have jumped into the game since it became available for free. According to Square Enix, the game saw a massive increase in player count within just a few days of its PS Plus debut, with over 3.5 million players logging in to play the game during its first month on the service. This is a huge achievement for a game that had previously struggled to find an audience, and it’s a testament to the power of the PS Plus service in bringing new players to games that might not have otherwise received as much attention.

Another key factor in the success of Outriders on PS Plus is the quality of the game itself. Despite its initial technical issues, Outriders has proven to be an incredibly engaging and rewarding experience for those who have stuck with it. The game’s fast-paced combat and deep customization options allow players to tailor their playstyle to their liking, while the story and world-building keep players invested in the game’s lore and characters. Additionally, the game’s multiplayer modes provide endless hours of entertainment, allowing players to team up with friends or strangers from around the world to take on the game’s toughest challenges.

The positive feedback from the gaming community has also been a major factor in the success of Outriders on PS Plus. Many players have taken to social media and online forums to express their excitement about the game and encourage others to give it a try. This word-of-mouth marketing has helped to spread awareness about the game and has likely contributed to the influx of new players who have joined the game since it became available for free on PS Plus.

Overall, the success of Outriders on PS Plus is a testament to the power of the subscription service in bringing new players to games that might not have received as much attention otherwise. The game’s massive increase in player count and positive feedback from the gaming community are both indicators of its quality and potential for future success. As more and more players continue to discover the joys of Outriders on PS Plus, it’s clear that this game will be a staple of the service for years to come.

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